On an almost daily basis I check in with many of the Sugar sites. I'm obsessed! Fancy giveaways, (I'll have to post about my winnings!) coverage that spans fashion, media and more, and each mini-site is updated constantly throughout the day.
Well Buzzsugar has just started a fun challenge! The Netflix Challenge is your call to movie watching arms! Their approach is to pick one actor, director, etc and watch their entire repertoire. You've got until the end of summer so this is an easily achievable task. I'm going to take this Challenge but change up the terms to suit me. Take that Buzzsugar!
Pants and I have had Netflix for over a year now and have amassed QUITE the queue. Both instant and DVD (207 DVD and 154 instant). It's quite daunting when I stop and think about it. I've decided my Challenge will be to watch at least 15 selections from either instant or regular DVD. I'll give myself until August 31st to complete. September is no longer Summer to me no matter what the temperature is.
As I watch a selection I will post a review of the movie/tv show. Between catching up on the Hulu queue, the Busy Bookworm Challenge and now this Netflix Challenge, I should have quite the busy Summer! Wish me luck!
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