
Part Two: The Sequel

If you thought Part One: The Beginning was super duper awesome, then just wait for this! I've finally caught up and I'm about to impart my TV watching wisdom to you. You're welcome.

Castle- Castle, Castle, Castle. I want to love this show more, I really do. Love Nathan Fillion! Firefly anyone? He's got the charming/funny mixture of a Cary Grant and who wouldn't love that? As for this show though, to me it's the poor man's Bones. Cop and Someone of a profession who would never work with a cop, solve mysteries together, have sexual chemistry, never act on it, have a back-up group who helps solve the murders. Don't get me wrong...LOVE Bones (see next review) but I don't need to watch it twice in one week. I also feel like Castle is missing something. There just isn't that spark. Castle's relationship with his daughter/mother is cute and endearing but there isn't much else I care about. I honestly don't care if Beckett and Castle get together. I think it would be MUCH more interesting to have them find love elsewhere but still keep that partner vibe. To be honest I feel asleep watching the finale! I really don't know if I'll pick it up again in the fall. I feel bad though because of the Nathan Fillion love. I just wish he could be on a show I could really get behind.

Bones- Oh Bones. I love this show. Really I do. It's just...sometimes...meh. It drives me crazy! When it's on fire, all the characters are interesting and you care for them and want for them and are amazed by them. Then sometimes the writers just drop the ball. This season felt like that SO much! It was almost there SO often. All season long it just felt like they were trying to make up for past transgressions (Hodgins and Angela) or keep the cash cow apart so they could keep milking it (Bones and Booth). It was frustrating! But I love it. The finale felt so meh to me but I think it opens up a lot of potential for next season. I think they'll come back and a year will have passed. This will allow for some Lost/Veronica Mars like flashbacks to show what everyone was up to. I think Angela will have a baby! Bones will want Booth but he'll have found someone new. Poor Cam...everyone just up and left her. Which, I'm sorry, but everyone just leaving at once would NOT happen in real life workplace. I'm can suspend belief with the best of them but, really? No. As long as Sweets is there I'll be happy :)

Glee-Last night was the season finale of Glee! This show makes me so happy. I just sit with a stupid grin on my face for 60 minutes. Well, more like 45 once you subtract out commercials. Even when I'm thinking, "They are not seriously doing that, are they?!", I STILL love it. I also don't understand the stigma of the Glee Club. I was in choir from 6th grade to 12th and NEVER, not once EVER got made fun of for it. Granted our football team was awful and my high school eventually became the target school for the arts...but still! I thought last night was a lovely summary of the whole season. We got to see Quinn have to her baby and actually give it up for adoption. I have to admit I was convinced she would end up keeping it. I think it's smart to have her totally on her own now. It's not like baby Beth will be far away either. I'm sure Shelby (!!! loved that twist!!!) will be more then happy to let Quinn be a part of her life if Quinn chooses. People, I've loved Journey looooong time! The New Directions performance made my heart happy. Queen was a tough act to beat though. I thought it was a bit of a cheat because Jesse did all the singing! It was mostly just dance. Seemed a little unfair to me. I kinda love Jesse St. James (or more accurately Jonathan Groff) so I hope he will be back next season. I'm thinking he comes back as the Glee director for Vocal Adrenaline!! He was a senior this year, right? I loved it and I love the weird sexual tension between Shue/Sue. Can't wait for next season!!

Brothers and Sisters- I will fully admit that after the writers strike I never picked this show back up. At one point this past fall, (when I was out of work) I got bored and starting catching up. Unfortunately I still have 4 (5?) episodes on my Hulu queue so no review. Maybe once I actually watch them I'll do a little post. Stay tuned.

Modern Family- This show like many if not all sitcoms doesn't really leave you with a cliff-hanger ending but it doesn't need one either. I was hesitant of the show when it first started. I'm an Arrested Development fan and there have been a few shows since it ended that felt like they were trying to recreate that wacky, family environment and it just never worked. Upon actually watching Modern Family though it's clear that was not their goal. Yes, it features a wacky family but it's got SO much heart as well. I literally laugh out loud every week, (same as 30 Rock) and I love seeing how they interact. I honestly feel like that is my family. We yell and fight and don't like each other sometimes but when it comes down to it, all we have is love. And if you can't laugh at/with your family there is something wrong!

Chuck- Don't tell Pants but I when it comes to Chuck- I Want to go to There. I thought I had outgrown all those Tiger Beat crushes but I have SO got one on Zachery Levi/Chuck Bartowski. They are one in the same for me. This for me is another one of those shows with a lot of heart AND humor. And killer music montages. I wasn't sure I'd really be able to get with Chuck being able to flash legitimate skills but it worked. I was so happy that Ellie FINALLY found out about Chuck's life too! I think that now everyone who SHOULD know about Chuck DOES know. It seems like each season they aren't sure whether there will be a next season of the show and the final episodes reflect that. There is always a little tying together of loose ends so that if that was the end of the show, we as the viewer could be happy. This season definitely ended with us left guessing as to what will happen next! While Chuck isn't a show I obsessively watch each week, I love playing catch-up with it because I forget how much I really do like it.

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