
Part One: The Beginning

One thing you should know about me--I'm a TV lover. Pants might scoff at me saying that but it's true! All he hears is me complaining because I've got 25 shows saved in my Hulu queue and no time to watch them. It's just work that gets in the way of my TV watching ;)

I thought I'd do a run down of the Spring finales for all my favorite shows. I'm a little behind with some but I just started blogging people! I gotta get myself caught up! :) For point of reference I'm writing these as if you've watched the shows too and we're on the same page. If this is all gibberish to you...Netflix these suckers and get caught up!

I think this is gonna be a two-parter so get your excited pants on!

Grey's Anatomy- HO. LY. SHIT. I was going to try to not be as foul-mouthed on the blog as I am in real life but seriously! I know many people feel that Grey's has lost it's shine but I still enjoy it every week. It makes me cry more then any other show I watch or have ever watched. Even if the season is lackluster they ALWAYS pull it out for the finale and this year was no different. I loved that the shooter wasn't some random person, we had a relationship of sorts with this character. It was terrifying watching him cold-heartedly killing so many people. The worst for me was Bailey and Percy. Knowing that they could've saved his life if those elevators worked! So sad! And Meredith sobbing in the OR, I'm so happy they've finally got her character matured and grown up. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go from here.

30 Rock- Hilarious as usual. Not going to recap too much but loved Wesley Snipes and wished Michael Sheen would stick around, loved Matt Damon. This is another show I've heard people say has lost it's touch but I don't think so. I snort laughter everytime I watch it!

Office- Kinda meh...exciting thinking that Holly might be back! Watching her and Michael was kinda like watching the dorkiest, sweetest train wreck ever.

Vampire Diaries- This show is fantastic. For serious. Started out CHEESY with the fog and the crow and the diary reading narration, but it matured into a consistently exciting hour of television. I can't even tell you how many times I screamed out loud while watching it this past season and the finale was no different. Love Boone! I was sad for him with the little twist at the end :/ I would highly recommend catching up on this show over the summer if you haven't watched it yet. It becomes less about the vampires and more about the relationships all the time.

Fringe- Confession: I have a couple crush on Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger. I think they are adorable! Back to my thoughts :) I think this might've been my favorite finale. Grey's was a close second but the mix of sci-fi and family won the top spot. I didn't start out watching Fringe when it initially aired. I only started season 1 because I'd caught up on everything on Hulu and was bored. It was the only show that still had the majority of the season available. The pilot put me to sleep. 3 times. Coming in mid-way through the season I realized I'd been missing something good! I'm now a huge fan. I love Walter Bishop with my whole heart. The finale was a superb end to this season. We finally got to see the the alternate universe in it's entirety and I thought it was just so different from anything else on TV. Walternate is EBIL and I think Other Olivia might be too! Pacey made it back where he is supposed to be but I knew something was up with Olivia as soon as Bell woke up from the explosion. Oh I can't WAIT to see what happens!

Lost- I'm not going to go into any detail or speculation because SO many people have done it better then me. My favorite is this recap. I'll just say that I loved it. I went into it with an open mind and I cried almost the whole time. As time passed I came to appreciate it more and am very happy with the end to the show. Vincent at the end just about broke my heart!

Alright campers! That's it for Part One! I still have to catch up on quite a few more shows in my queue but hopefully Part Two: The Sequel will be ready by the end of this week!

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